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"Helping Kids Communicate"

Anne Robinson

Speech Pathologist

B.App.Sc. (Sp. Path). M.A. (Hons) MSPA, CPSP.

I have been very fortunate to have had a wide range of experiences in my career as a speech pathologist. They include:


  • Sole Speech Pathologist for the Baulkham Hills Shire, based at the Community Health Centre in Castle Hill. During this time I learned the importance of working with a team of health professionals and of working with my clients with the perspective of the whole person and their family.


  • Senior Speech Pathologist at the dental Clinical School of Westmead Hospital. During this time I worked on the Cleft Palate Clinic and developed a Videofluroscopy / Nasendoscopy clinic to accurately assess palatal function. I also worked closely with the specialist dentists in Children’s Dentistry and Orthodontics. During this time I was awarded the first Westmead Hospital Annual Study Fellowship which funded my trip to the International CranioFacial Congress in Monte Carlo as well as visiting specialist treatment centres in England.


  • Employed by a Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon who specialised in surgery for people with cranio-facial anomalies. My job involved visiting the parents of infants born with cleft lip and palate within the first 24 hours after birth to help with feeding and to show the family photos of children before and after surgery. My job also involved helping children with a full range of communication difficulties.


  • Private Practice for approximately 18 years has allowed me to develop my interests in helping children who are struggling at school because of difficulties with reading and writing. It has allowed me to develop skills using the Hanen Approach for children who are late in starting to talk. I am now developing skills in the area of social thinking which helps children who may have competent language and academic skills but who struggle to make and keep friends and who struggle with understanding things from other people’s perspectives be it in life, or in the novels they have to read for school.

Recent Professional Development 

  • ‘Supporting upper primary children and adolescents with language and learning difficulties.’ presented by Dr Julia Starling, Speech Pathology Association of Australia (SPAA). 2 day seminar 26th and 27th February 2015


  • ‘Language, Learning and Literacy: Improving practice, delivering results.’ presented by Dr Louisa Moats supported by LDA, University of Sydney, Speld. One day seminar 6th March.


  • ‘Speech Language Pathologists contributions to Preschool Early Literacy Intervention.’ by Dr Ros Neilson, (SPAA), Preschool Interest Group,  2 hour presentation, 17th March 2015.


  • ‘Working Memory’ presented by Mimma Mason, Cognitive Scientist. LDC 2 hour Seminar 24th March 2015.


  • ‘Dilemmas in Language Assessment: Issues for the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) population.’ presented by Susan Kerr Child and Adolescent Development Unit Blue Mountains Hospital (SPAA) Preschool Interest Group 2 hour presentation 23rd June 2015


  • ‘Social Thinking Masterclass, zooming in on social thinking.’ presented by Michelle Garcia Winner, supported by Spectrum Speech Pathology. 2 day seminar 31st August and 1st September 2015

(02) 9890 2222

19 Boundary Rd, North    Epping NSW 2121

0422 225 672

"Helping Kids Communicate"

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